Spyware Problems

Problem: My Machine has lot of Ad ware or Spy ware how to remove them?


In simple terms Ad ware is Advertisement Pop-up that every Netizen know about. On the other hand Spy ware intension is steel important information like Credit Card Information, Login ID and Passwords, personal, confidential or sensitive information from your computer.

Even though Ad ware and Spy ware are different terms, some times it is difficult to differentiate as many times they are combined. Do we really know what Microsoft Word exe has inside? We only know its functionality. But it is guaranteed of any Ad ware or Spy ware free as it is sold by a company. On the other side Ad ware or Spy ware authors are unknown. Most of the times their intension is show/do what they want, not what you need. If you delete them from one place, they still exist in 100 other places.

There are many removal softwares. May be none is 100% efficient to remove all. It is all like what is first? Chicken or Egg? That is why it is important to update these software on frequent basis. If the spy ware is newer than the updates you have, the removal software may show there is nothing as the updates are older.

So, what is the best way is the best way to get rid of these problems?

I personally do not believe even a removal software says there are no more ad ware /spy ware. What I do, assuming your data is not corrupted by ad/spy ware, I will take the data backup, . Reload the machine with the operating system, install all applications and restore the data back to system. One most important thing, assign passwords to all accounts and never ever use the account with admin privilege for day to day usage like browsing. By default all accounts created at the time of Windows XP setup will have Admin access with no password, which is bad. This problem is taken care in Vista. Click to know more about Admin Access.

Another anology is, when our wallet is lost, we do not just change one or two credit cards, we call all creditors and inform we lost our wallet. Also change the keys if we there were keys with the wallet. In the same way, when the system is compromised, best way is to rebuild the machine, assign password, avoiding admin accounts for browsing.

To better explain, one more example. You have a paying guest living with you. You do not give access to every part of the house right? Browsing is also like that. When the Internet browser come across a spy ware or ad ware site (all free movies/songs/software sites live by hosting ad ware), ad ware programs are automatically downloaded and will try to get installed behind the scenes with out your permission. If your logged in user ID has Admin Access, that program will get installed successfully, annoying you with all Advertisements, and who knows, steeling sensitive information. If you did not have Admin access, they will fail to get installed, saving your system from a disaster.

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